Post comments here, at the Facebook group, on Goodreads and at #GGBC on Twitter.
Favorite 80's reference? Is Oasis a good thing? Do you think that this is a future that could be a reality sooner than later? Weigh in, oh, and watch Ladyhawke.
The response to the Tiara blog was completely, incredibly, overwhelming and joyful. You people are my new heroes. Read the comments, look on twitter... these ladies and gents will change your day for the better. People who wear tiaras out with their friends throughout the year and bring some to give away to random ladies. People who are wearing their Tiara through cancer, through tough times, to work, people sharing Tiaras with their daughters and friends.
I have even had offers of people wanting to share their tiaras, wanting to share their tiara stories. So I put together a Flickr group: Tiaras Enthusiasts. The link is above. Go there if you can and post your photos, your stories, your tiaras you made, bought or dream of having. Also, post the tiara you want to share. Just like the traveling red dress, your tiara might just make someone's day, or year.
Feel free to share the information and let's see how many lives we can remind that they are irreplaceable and fabulous, right now, this minute.
If the Tiara fits baby... WEAR THE HELL OUT OF IT.
Okay, I thank you for your watching and reading research to get you here. I am a huge, weirdo, freaky groupie of The Bloggess. I think she gives a voice to women like never before, but more than that, she gives people courage to be who they are, to follow their bliss and embrace their weird. No matter who you are or where you come from, we all need to feel special once in a while. better than that, you need to feel like a princess. I love Jenny's Traveling Red Dress. I want to participate and prance around like my inner My Little Pony/Tinkerbell. But sometimes it's hard to find your dress, it's hard to find the want to even put it on if you had it. Sometimes you just feel like a weirdo. We need something to symbolize the Red Dress in a hurry, something to pull out, keep in your purse with a "Break glass in case of emergency" sign on it. Something to make you laugh, feel special, and remember you are wonderful in all the best, right places. You, my friend, need a tiara.
I usually save this blog for all things Geek Girls Book Club, but this Red Dress movement has been on my mind and just came up and gave me a lap dance last night watching The Big Bang Theory. As Amy got her tiara, I was filled with the idea of how I would feel about getting one. Answer: I would do the EXACT SAME THING. It is ridiculous, and where the hell would you wear it and it is the perfect symbol for how I want to feel. Like a princess. Like someone who feels beautiful and special and powerful.
Sometimes, we just don't feel that way. Because of our job, our health, our state of mind; we forget we are irreplaceable, amazing creatures right this minute. At your desk at work, in your carpool, at the grocery store, sick in your bed. YOU ARE AMAZING.
So I'd like to invite each of you to buy your own tiara. Plastic, made of Legos, popsicle sticks or diamonds... it dosen't matter. Give one for your friend who is having a hard time. Wear it to chemo treatments, crappy meetings at work, and picking up bananas at the grocery store. Wear it to make you smile, and to make others wonder what you're up to, because whatever it is, it must be fabulous.
Wear your Red Dress and break out your tiara in case of emergency, because baby, you rock.
February will be Female Fiction February, honoring none other than the late Anne McCaffrey. "Dragonflight" will be our way of reading to remember a great woman. For some, this will be a new adventure in reading, and for others, it will be like visiting an old friend. I hope you join Geek Girls Book Club in enjoying a series that is for many, a must read of the fantasy fiction genre. The adventure will begin February 1, 2012.
The read starts now, and we'll discuss starting on January 28th on Facebook, Goodreads and Twitter at #GGBC. The audiobook is, as always, perfectly acceptable and the joy of this title is the audiobook is narrated by Wil Wheaton. FANTASTIC. I hope that you enjoy this month's read, and stay tuned for February!