Saturday, June 13, 2015

A GGBC Podcast!

Now that we have our summer reading list and time to relax a bit, I thought it would be a great time to debut the new GGBC podcast: Alcohol & Authors:

Hello! We’re Cara and Nicole, two geek-minded women with an affinity for reading, writing and spreading literary fun while having a drink or two. We love to learn about new indie projects: books, games, libraries… we review books on a selective basis. We actually judge books by covers.
11136704_10152682886316290_6178538828627081096_nC. Elizabeth Vescio (or just Cara) is the author of the Wasted Series and Adventures of the Dress. She published her first book, Elegantly Wasted in 2012 and is currently on her 4th book. Cara is a photographer, gamer, cosplayer and animal enthusiast. She lives in Las Vegas with her husband and four mutts. She’s passionate about Shakespeare, Paul Simon and Loki as portrayed by Tom Hiddleson.
Motto: Sarcasm is life.

nicoleNicole Girtman is the founder of the Geek Girls Book Club, avid knitter and mother of alpacas. She also founded Geeks United In Crafts, is a gamer, amateur photographer, collector of old cookbooks and loather of raisins in cereal. She lives in Minnesota where it’s cold in the winter, hot in the summer and accents are a way of life.
Motto: If Kiefer Sutherland can get arrested at a strip club on a Tuesday, SO CAN WE.

There should be a new episode every month, and forgive any newbie podcasting mistakes...we're still figuring out how to play with the cool kids. Now you can read and listen to the podcast to connect with GGBC, and be sure to leave us a comment if you'd like and pass it along to your geeky friends. It's cool to be able to talk to all of you after 4 years, and I hope the blog and podcast can help us reach lots of geeky readers and bring us all together! Grab a drink, relax and join us!