The winner of our contest to choose November's book is long time member Bronwyn Kelly. I want to thank her and all our participants in making a donation or volunteering to help the hungry this season. Every bit matters, and every bit changes the world for the better.
Here is a introduction about this month's book from Bronwyn, and we will discuss, as always, starting the last Saturday of the month. Happy November sweet Geeks!
"So, this month i get to choose the book we read as a group! this is both nerve-wracking and exciting. exciting because i get to share a book i've loved for probably 25 years with a wonderful group that I'm really happy to have been able to join. Nerve-wracking for much the same reason!
The book i'm choosing for this month is The Blue Sword, by Robin McKinley.
I've chosen this book because for years it has been my staple, the book I return to when I need comfort or fun or a visit with old friends. I have - quite literally - read a copy of this book into tatters!
I really hope you all enjoy it as much as I have! i'm looking forward to sharing it with you!"