Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Summer and wonderful Geeks in love...

It is soon to be August, and the summer is whizzing by us at an alarming rate. I hope that you have been enjoying these warm days and our GGBC reads.
It was suggested that this month we find a story with a splash of romance, but among the geekier folk, and I think this book will deliver like Domino's on that.

Our August 2014 GGBC is a story of how even when life is hard, and we are still finding our way, we can also find each other. Dear Geeks, I give you Eleanor and Park:

Don"t be fooled by the "YA" genre label, it will bring you to many different parts of your life, and some of your current life status no matter your age. This is a story about finding a connection in a world that can be quite unkind, and that is hope that we all want and need. It is a little like what we all at GGBC are about. I am excited to read along with you, and discover some bits of our past, some knowledge about our present, and hopefulness about our future.

We will discuss this one the last Saturday in August. I'll meet you at the Park.