Tuesday, December 15, 2015


A new year, letting some old baggage go, wrapping and holding on to the good moments like precious heirlooms. It is time to forge ahead. Time to pick a new path of adventure to start the new year off right.

So I thought to start the year on a high note we will have a story I love that is short and amazing, and a story we visited before, and is sadly coming to an end.

This month, GGBC has for you:


Odd and the Frost Giants is a classic, lovely tale by the wonderful Neil Gaiman, Link to Odd and the Frost Giants, available just about anywhere. You will love the imagery and the adventure of this story, and is a great one to share with younger Geek readers in your life. One of my favorites.

The second book is the final book in the Wasted series by our own Cara Vescio, Totally Wasted. Link to Wasted series website
If you haven't read the first two of the series with us, you will not be disappointed. This is a great series filled with amazing women, bad ass action and pop culture references. It is amazing. I think you will really enjoy it. This can be ordered easily, right from Amazon. On Kindle too!

This will be a great way to start your year off, and get ready for more incredible titles as the year goes on, including some guest picks for certain months!

We'll discuss these beauties the last Saturday of January, and that is done with #GGBC on Twitter, on our Goodreads or Facebook groups, or right here in comments. (Links are right here on the blog.)

Hope that your new year is filled with more joy than pain and more light than dark, and I can't wait to see you to discuss the books! I'll be the one in the corner, looking dangerous, drinking red wine and reading.

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